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Keep the kids safer on this year’s prom night

On Behalf of | May 7, 2024 | Serious Personal Injury

Every spring in New England, teenagers head out to proms in glittery gowns and dashing tuxedos. But parents want their kids to be safe while experiencing these annual rites of passage.

The good news is that parents do indeed have an important role to play when it comes to keeping their sons and daughters safer on prom night — and every night.

Know the numbers

Statistics don’t lie, and the following from AAA are grim concerning high schoolers aged 16 to 19:

  • More than 30% know peers with DUI or OUI arrests.
  • Over 80% said their friends would drive while intoxicated before calling a parent or other adult to help.
  • At least 21% have ridden with an impaired driver
  • As many as 30% admitted that they expect to either do drugs or drink alcohol at prom, or that their friends will.

That teen survey from two years ago is enough to give parents nightmares. But here are some suggestions for making prom a safer event for your family.

Host an after-party

With discreet parental oversight, you can ensure that no drinking or drugging takes place. If anyone arrives impaired, allow them to sleep it off before it’s addressed the next day. Cook a big breakfast or add a waffle bar to fill them up on carbs. Insist on a few hours rest before getting back on the road.

Hire a limo

Party buses and limousines aren’t prohibitively expensive when the cost is shared by a group of friends (or their parents). No worries about inexperienced teens behind the wheel of a car full of kids.

If a wreck happens

Serious injuries can result from a prom night collision or a wreck after a graduation celebration. Your child will need your help exploring their medical and legal options in the aftermath of a crash.