When a woman finds out she is pregnant, she is excited about the impending birth of a healthy, happy baby. Many women put a lot of thought into the birth of the child during pregnancy, even going so far as to create a birth plan. There are times when things do not go...
Month: January 2014
Lawsuit: Dentist’s errors results in 3-year-old’s death
Dentists are entrusted to do everything from keeping your teeth clean to performing intensive procedures. North Adams residents and their children are encouraged to visit their dentist twice a year to maintain good oral health. However, when your dentist commits...
Dirty tools and hands spread infections in Boston hospitals
Typically, patients enter a hospital expecting to leave feeling better. They are diagnosed, receive treatment and hopefully head home in a better condition. However, many people in Massachusetts find the opposite occurs, actually contracting infections because of...
Surgeon’s error leaves woman with pain and scarring
Many patients expect to feel better after having surgery to fix a problem. Massachusetts residents who have anxiety over a procedure may be relieved to know that the operation will leave them in a better state. However, a doctor error during surgery can actually leave...