When it comes to serious health conditions, sometimes a prompt diagnosis can make all the difference in the outcome. A delay or a failure to make an accurate diagnosis could, in some cases, be life threatening or even fatal. Every day, hundreds - if not thousands - of...
Month: July 2017
Federal law may extend beyond ERs to protect urgent-care patients
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, or EMTALA, is a federal law intended to ensure that hospitals don't "dump" emergency patients who may be indigent or uninsured by refusing to examine or treat them or by sending them to other hospitals. EMTALA...
Alleged failure to diagnose tragically ends in man’s suicide
For most Massachusetts residents, the scenario sounds like something out of a bad dream: A patient is admitted to a hospital only to be discharged within hours then die less than two days later of the very illness for which he or she was originally seen at the...
Doctor error allegedly leads to elderly woman’s death
When loved ones are ill, residents of Massachusetts have little choice but to trust in the training and judgment of medical professionals. Sadly, sometimes that trust is misplaced, as seems to be the case in a recent incident in another state. A retired professor has...
Employer may be responsible for employee’s theft of confidential info
The Massachusetts Appeals Court recently ruled that an insurance agency could face liability after an employee with an arrest record allegedly took personal contact information from a confidential database and shared it with her boyfriend, who then used it to...
Brain lesions and delayed trauma
After a head trauma, a person in Massachusetts may develop a mass lesion in the brain. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, these brain injuries create pressure inside the skull. Most often, traumatic brain injuries are associated with...
Maternal cardiac arrest has early warning signs
When you are sick, you want your North Adams doctor to be able to identify what the problem is and get you the prescription or the procedure that gets you back on your feet. Pregnancy issues can be different, though. Although your OB/GYN runs tests and watches for...