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The science of car crashes

On Behalf of | Dec 29, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car crashes are an unfortunate reality of modern life in Massachusetts. But there is a science of car crashes that can be helpful to drivers. Understanding this science can help drivers make better decisions and drive more safely.

Science behind a car crash

The most relevant scientific field governing car accidents is physics. Physics is the study of forces and how those forces are distributed and impact different materials. A car crash involves vehicles moving at a particular speed and in a specific direction. Physics helps to dictate why cars move the way they do and how they stop.

It is also helpful in determining the amount of damage that cars sustain in crashes. Much of the damage from crash results from bodies or the material of the car absorbing parts of the force imparted from the crash. When a driver hits a pole or wall, the pole or wall reflects all of their energy on them and they may suffer more problems than if they ran into an embankment or parked car.


Knowing the science behind car crashes is far from trivial knowledge. This science can help a driver make better decisions while driving that can reduce the severity of crashes. For instance, a knowledge of the physics of car crashes would lead most drivers to slow down at nearly all times and to try and drive more slowly in any situation that may lead to a crash. Slower driving means that there is less force that has to be absorbed by a body or a car during a crash.

A knowledge of physics can also help drivers stay in the road and keep from overcorrecting in the event of a crash. They may know it is better to hit another vehicle than a tree or pole that would force them to absorb more of the impact. While the science of car crashes cannot prevent all crashes, it can help drivers make better decisions that could save them in the long run.
