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Signs of bladder cancer a doctor could miss

On Behalf of | Jun 18, 2021 | Failure To Diagnose

Getting diagnosed with cancer can be a very scary thing. Nevertheless, it is always better to identify cancer while it is in its early stages so that you have a better chance of survival. When it comes to bladder cancer, here are some early warning signs that a doctor could miss in Massachusetts.

Problems urinating

A symptom of bladder cancer is that it affects your urination. It impacts people in different ways; some will begin to urinate more often while others will begin to urinate less often. It can also cause you to feel pain whenever you urinate.

All of these symptoms are common not only to bladder cancer but also to a urinary tract infection. For this reason, your doctor may dismiss these symptoms as the side effects of a UTI rather than identifying it as bladder cancer. If your doctor is negligent and doesn’t thoroughly evaluate your condition to determine that it is cancer, you may be able to pursue a medical malpractice claim against that doctor.

Decreased appetite

Another side effect of bladder cancer is appetite loss. Appetite loss is common in almost every form of cancer, so bladder cancer may cause you to lose your appetite as well as lose weight and constantly feel fatigued.

Unexplained pain

Bladder cancer can also cause you to have pain throughout your body in places such as your abdomen and your pelvis. However, this isn’t always present in the early stages. Pain is usually associated with more advanced stages of bladder cancer. You may also feel pain in your bones if the cancer begins to spread from your bladder to your bones.

Blood in your urine

Seeing blood in your urine is often one of the first signs of bladder cancer. Many women and their doctors overlook this as a sign of cancer due to the fact that they may see something similar to this during their menstrual cycle.

It’s better to be safe than sorry, so if you see any of these symptoms, contact your doctor and ask a lot of questions to understand your condition. Discovering cancer in its early stages can potentially save your life and minimize its effects on your health.
