Many individuals in Massachusetts may be forced to consider around-the-clock nursing home care for a loved one or one’s own care. It is often not ideal and usually very expensive. Sadly, one man claims to have suffered additional pain, suffering and medical care due to inadequate treatment in a nursing home. A jury agreed with the man and awarded him $636,000 for the medical malpractice he suffered.
The 79-year-old man suffered an unfortunate stroke, which left his mobility limited. Although his mobility was limited, he had enough strength and movement to help transfer himself from his wheelchair to his bed and toilet. During one trip to the bathroom, he was helped to the toilet and then left alone. Unfortunately, he suffered a fall while he was unattended.
Following the fall, an x-ray was ordered to evaluate the man for injuries. A radiologist read the x-ray and stated that the man did not suffer any injuries from the fall. After the fall, the man’s mobility declined, and he had more complaints of pain and the physician ordered an increase in his pain medicine. Despite the changes in his medical status, the man was not re-examined or x-rayed. The man settled lawsuits with the nursing home and radiologist, and a jury awarded him $636,000 for his pain, suffering and additional medical expenses.
Sadly, the man is not alone in suffering pain and a change in quality of life as a result of medical negligence. Medical malpractice attorneys in Massachusetts are available to review and examine the circumstances of suspected negligence. Advice can be offered how a client may pursue his or her own malpractice claims in civil court.