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Woman blames failure to diagnose infection for husband’s death

On Behalf of | Nov 1, 2018 | Failure To Diagnose

The invention of antibiotics has saved countless lives in Massachusetts and all across the world. Antibiotics are only effective if given promptly and target the correct bacterial growth in an individual. A failure to diagnose an infection in a timely manner can result in sepsis, which is a serious condition that places a patient’s life at risk. One woman in another state accused a physician and hospital of medical malpractice and the failure to inform her now deceased husband of the deadly infection from which he suffered.

The man sought medical advice due to symptoms of severe knee pain. The doctor claims to have not examined any signs of sepsis during the examination, which can include increased heart rate, lower blood pressure and fever. Blood tests were taken and revealed that the man was positive for an infection. The physician claims that he then notified the patient of the need for treatment in an emergency room, but the patient allegedly refused due to medical costs.

Sadly, the man never received treatment for the infection, and he died suddenly. According to the wife, he was not notified of the need for treatment. She filed a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court, and the parties recently settled for an undisclosed amount.

It is certainly overwhelming to process the aftermath of a sudden death due to a failure to diagnose, and it could be overwhelming to consider a wrongful death lawsuit. For many families, it is the right option, and Massachusetts medical malpractice attorneys are available to help process a lawsuit. While any compensation from a lawsuit or settlement will not alter the unfortunate circumstances, it can help cover unexpected costs.
