When prescribing medications, Massachusetts doctors should use all their years of training to make certain that the prescriptions they write will not only be effective, but safe. When treating physicians fail to take into consideration issues like counter indications and side effects, resultant complications can leave a patient worse off than before. In fact, a medication error can prove not just dangerous, but fatal, as seems to be the case in an incident in another state.
An individual has recently filed a lawsuit over the apparent medication-related death of a man. The plaintiff, a woman representing the estate of the deceased, has named a number of health care professionals as defendants in the complaint. The medical malpractice lawsuit accuses them of negligence, alleging that the defendants’ medication errors led to the patient’s death.
According to the complaint, the now-deceased was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in 2015. In Jan. 2016, the physicians prescribed a medication known as amiodarone. When, in June of that year, the man saw a different cardiologist, he was informed he was not, in fact, suffering from atrial fibrillation. The patient was taken off the amiodarone but, by that point, the complaint alleges, it was too late; the damage had been done.
Less than two months later, the man was taken to the hospital where it was determined that he was suffering from liver failure, allegedly induced by the inappropriately prescribed drug, amiodarone, which the lawsuit claims is dangerous to elderly individuals. The patient passed away the following month. The plaintiff is seeking damages to exceed the minimum limits of the court, plus all associated fees and further relief as the court deems proper. Similarly injured victims of medical negligence or any in Massachusetts who have lost a loved one due to a medication error may wish to discuss their situation with a lawyer whose practice focuses on medical malpractice; such an attorney can offer legal counsel on possible options for pursuing justice and compensation.
Source: setexasrecord.com, “Estate representative alleges Nederland man was inappropriately prescribed drug“, Lhalie Castillo, Sept. 19, 2017