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Lawsuit: Dentist’s errors results in 3-year-old’s death

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2014 | Doctor Errors

Dentists are entrusted to do everything from keeping your teeth clean to performing intensive procedures. North Adams residents and their children are encouraged to visit their dentist twice a year to maintain good oral health. However, when your dentist commits medical negligence, it can mean much more than simply a worsened smile, as one recent case reminds us.

A 3-year-old had been diagnosed by her dentist to have procedures done on 10 of her teeth. Four of the teeth required root canals, and the rest were to get fillings. According to the family’s attorney, the dentist made several crucial mistakes before, during and after the procedures: misdiagnosis, overmedication and – eventually – inadequate monitoring and resuscitation of the little girl. After the procedure, the girl went into a coma and was later deemed to be in a persistent vegetative state.

 The girl died as a result of the botched procedures, and the family has filed a lawsuit that will be amended to include medical malpractice and wrongful death. According to the suit, the dentist used a combination of three central nervous depressant drugs that strengthened each other, and an excessive dosage of at least one of the drugs was administered. What’s more, the attorney noted that another dentist conducted an examination and stated that most of the procedures were unnecessary.

The family has done the right thing in seeking a lawyer’s help in filing a lawsuit. They could stand to receive compensation for the additional medical expenses, as the little girl was in hospice for a time. Additionally, victims of wrongful death may also pursue compensation for damages such as pain and suffering, as the little girl’s passing has surely caused the family devastating grief.

Source: WFMY News 2, “Hawaii 3-Year-Old Dies After Dental Procedures,” William M. Welch, Jan. 4, 2014